Friday, March 18, 2016

$9 for a movie ticket isn’t cool. You know what is cool? $50

He’s Back
Sean Parker the quote on quote “bad boy of Silicon Valley” is back with his new start up, cleverly named Screening Room, which is planning to make movies in theaters available for home viewing, according to a report by Variety.
How does it work?
The start-up plans to allow customers to view movies from home even if the movie is currently in theaters. Brilliant idea right? Why dress up and go to movies when you can stay home and just stream the movies in the comfort of their house. 
Screening Room plans on charging $150 for access to the set-top box that transmits the movie and then charge $50 per view for the movie. Consumers will have a 48 hour time limit to view the movie they selected and would even get hard copy tickets to view the movie at a theater of their choice. The set-top box is to prevent pirating of the movies.
All the participating distributors would get a cut of the $50 charge which is believe to be 20% while exhibitors would get $20 of the fee, finally leaving Screening Room to take its own fee of 10%.
For or Against?
There are many sides for and against Parker’s startup the more well-known directors who support the model are Peter Jackson, J.J. Abrams, Ron Howard, Steven Spielberg, and Martin Scorsese
The ones against are the National Association of Theatre Owners, James Cameron, Jon Landau, and Christopher Nolan.
Final Thoughts?
Although it’s a clever an idea that might have its Netflix takes down cable tv moment in the future, as of now it seems that Screening Room would have a long hill to climb before it meets the vision of Sean Parker. Might I suggest me not paying four times the cost for the movie I want to stream? Who knows maybe one day Screening Room will have the spotlight and a slang of its own. Screening Room and Chill

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